Installing Pocket mp2 Plus Tablet Edition

To complete the install of Pocket mp2 Plus Tablet Edition on Windows 7/8/10 you'll need the Pocket_mp2_Plus_Tablet.exe, and mp2 database connection information which includes.

  • mp2 SQL database Server Name (server.domain)
  • mp2 SQL database Instance Name
  • mp2 SQL database User Name and Password (SQL user not an mp2 user)

Step 1 - Installing

  1. Double click Pocket_mp2_Plus_Tablet.exe (Download Here)
  2. Follow the on screen prompts until the installation is complete.

Step 2 - Setup ODBC (DNS) Connection to MP2 SQL database

  1. Open ODBC Data Source Administrator
    1. 32-bit OS: Start - Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Data Sources (ODBC)
    2. 64-bit OS: Start - run and enter C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe
  2. Select the System DSN tab. Then click Add... button
  3. Select the SQL Server driver and click Finish
  4. Enter mp2_mobile in the name field (Description is optional)
  5. Enter the mp2 server name an instance in the server field and select Next. Example: (local)\mp2 


    (info)Your SQL Server instance name maybe different or you may be using the default instance, in which case you'll just need to enter (local)

  6. Select With SQL Server authentication radio button and enter a Login ID and Password of a SQL user that has access to the MP2 database. Click Next.
  7. Select Change the default database to and select the MP2 database from the list. Click Next.
  8. Select Change the language of SQL Server system messages to and select English. Click Finish.
  9. Test the data source, if successful, click OK and exit the tool.

Step 3 - Configuring MP2 Mobile Products Server For Pocket MP2 Plus

If you have Windows UAC is enabled, please run "mp2MobileServiceManager.exe" (C:\Program Files (x86)\MP2 Mobile Products) as administrator.

  1. Start the application, by either accessing it in the task bar, or running mp2mobileservicemanager.exe.

  2. We now need to add ODBC Real Time connection services, for Pocket MP2 Plus, they are:
    1. PocketMP2
    2. PocketMP2RT
  3. Completed, it should show like below.

  4. Next, we need to configure those connection services, to connect to the proper data source. Select the Connection Services tab, then ODBC Real Time tab.
  5. Enter the Data Source name that you created earlier and the user name/password for your mp2 database.

  6. Click the OK button, on the left panel to save your changes. This will prompt you to restart the MP2 Mobile Products Service.

Step 4 - Start Pocket mp2 Plus Tablet Edition

  1. Double click the Pocket mp2 Plus icon on your desktop.
  2. If prompted for an auth code, please email the auth key to with you Company Name and application name (Pocket mp2 Plus)
  3. After authorization is complete, click Enter on the splash screen to load the application.
  4. On first start up, login as ADMIN, with password 12345
  5. Once logged in, select Synchronize
    1. Depending on how much data you have in mp2, the sync could take from 2 to 15 minutes to complete. 
  6. Once the sync has completed, select Exit to Return to the Login screen.
  7. Users are now able to login with their MP2 username and password, sync and start using the application. 

Pocket MP2 Plus is highly configurable, please see the Advanced Configuration page for details.

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