Creating and Completing Work Orders (WO)

  • Creating Work Orders

To create a WO in Pocket mp2 Plus, please follow the steps below. Note, this process should be done before you start any work.

  1. In the Inbox, Workbox, or Outbox, select the "Create" button
  2. Enter a description in the "Desc" field.
  3. Select your "Site", "Type", and "Priority"
  4. Select "Add Equipment"
  5. Enter the Equipment number and press TAB or select the "?" to search for equipment.
  6. Your WO has now been created. Please go to step 2 below or Quick Complete.
  • Completing Work Orders

There are two ways  to complete a WO in Pocket mp2 Plus.

  • Quick Complete

Quick Completes can only be run on WO with no more than one piece of equipment.

  1. Select the WO in the Inbox or Workbox and tap "Quick"
  2. Enter any RFO, RFF and solution that may apply. (optional)
  3. Enter Comments (optional)
  4.  Enter "Regular Hrs"
  5. If you require a part(s), select "Add Part"
  6. After you have finished, select "OK"
  7. You will notice the WO has been moved from the Inbox or Workbox to the Outbox. Any WO in the Outbox will be uploaded to mp2 on the next sync.
    1. Please note, if you do not sync, your work will not be uploaded to mp2.
  • Advanced Complete

Open the WO and enter all information needed then set the status to "Completed"

  1. Select a WO in the Inbox or Workbox and tap "Open"
  2. Select the "Equip" tab, select the equipment your working on and select "Edit"
    1. From this screen you can add parts, enter comments, enter RFO and related safety information.
    2. When you are finished, select "OK"
  3. After you have finished your work on a piece of equipment, select the "Time" tab. Note: you may need to use the arrow buttons in the upper right to scroll to the Time tab
  4. Select the "Add" button to add a time record.
    1. Select the equipment your adding time for and enter "Regular Hrs"
    2. Once finished select "OK"
  5. If you have Complete the work for this WO, select the "Stat" tab. If not go to step 2 and continue with the next piece of equipment on the WO.
  6. Once on the "Stat" tab, select the "Status" drop-down menu and tap "Completed"
  7. Select the "OK" button to save the WO.
  8. You will notice the WO has been moved from the Inbox or Workbox to the Outbox. Any WO in the Outbox will be uploaded to mp2 on the next sync.
    1. Please note, if you do not sync, your work will not be uploaded to mp2.

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