Configuring Advanced Mobile EAM cab files

Before you deploy the Advance Mobile client applications, you'll need to configure the cab or MSI files to connect to the server.  Please follow the step below.

*** If you received a new cab or MSI file from Blue Dot Solutions, then you'll need to copy it to the server before completing the procedure below.

The path on the server will be similar to c:\Program Files (x86)\Blue Dot\Advanced Mobile for Infor EAM Server\Instances\%InstanceName%\AMCoreWeb\Downloads

  1. Browse to the Adv Mobile Admin portal and login
  2. Click Installs
  3. Select the cab/MSI file that you want to configure from the drop-down list
  4. Select Load Configuration File
  5. Update all URL settings with your server's fully qualified name ( (warning) Keep the rest of the URL text, just update the server name portion.
    (info) Example:  If the server name is then the SqlCeSnapshotUrl becomes
  6. Test each URL in a new browser tab/window to ensure that it works correctly. You should get a page similar to this:

    (warning) If you get a page not found or another browser/HTTP error, then something is wrong with the URL.
  7. Once tested, click the Save button at the bottom of the page.
  8. Refresh the page and click the cab file link to download the configured cab/MSI file.

The cab file is now ready to be installed on your devices.

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