Command Center Agent Configuration (Windows Mobile)

  1. On your device, open File Explorer and browse to /My Device/Program Files/ManagedServiceHost (the first Managed Service Host folder)
  2.  Tap DeviceMgmtConfigTool. If you do not have this file, you can download the cab installer from here
  3. In most cases you just need to update the DeviceSyncUrl which tells the device which server to connect to.
    (warning) Do not delete the url, only update what is needed. The full URL is
  4. Tap Save.
  5. You may get the error message below. If so, tap Yes.
  6. Tap Exit
  7. Warm boot the device. Common device warm boot procedures can be found here.
  8. After the device reboots and connects to a network, it will show up in the Unauthorized Devices Command Center Folder.
  9. Rename each device to a meaningful name and move to an Authorized Devices folder.

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