Installation / Configuration of Swift solution

The following steps are necessary to utilize the Swift application on your device. 

First, you will need to download and install the following apk files. 

  1. Install cyanEngine-arm-release_xwalk_1.2.197.apk
  2. Install cyan-nav-debug-1.0.35.apk
  3. Install SwiftAppsInGaugeAndroidDev30.apk

    (info) (note that these versions may be different)

Install all three apps BEFORE proceeding.  Application icons will display on your device.

  1.  (TEST) Cyan - 

    The Cyan Engine is the "container" app containing the swift application versions.

    1. After installing, download and copy com.bluedotsolutions.cyan.test.ini to the main device storage.
    2. Start (TEST) Cyan application
      (warning) Please Note: file "com.bluedotsolutions.cyan.test.ini" will be consumed by (TEST) Cyan on start-up and deleted.
    3. Next, the swift application will load and login screen will display.  Enter the following login credentials:
      Username: use any login for the swift app you may have, or contact your installation contact
      Password = swift

  2. Cyan Navigator - cyan-nav-debug-1.0.xx.apk 

    This is the navigation application used for turn-by-turn during the swift route (Co-Pilot).

    (info) internet connection required for downloading map data onto device

    a.  After logging into the swift application (step 1c above), click on the menu icon located top left:

    b.  Select the "Settings" menu option:

    c.  Select "Register Co-Pilot":

    d.On Activation screen, enter the Product Key provided by your installation contact help and click Next arrow located top right.  (warning) DO NOT click on the back button on your device or the back arrow button located top left (the screen will freeze).  If you choose to exit without proceeding click on the icon hovering below the "Enter" keyword (this will change in the future):

    (info) (to exit without entering the product key, click on the icon = to gracefully exit the application)

    e.  If installing Co-Pilot for the first time on the device, select, "Create Now".  

          Enter an email address / password to register the device.  Please remember these login credentials for future reference on this device.  You may need it.

    f.  Follow the prompts, and at "Activation" screen, select, "Mobile Internet"

    g.  On the following screen, select "Use standard settings":

    h.   After the "Help Us Improve CoPilot" and "End User License Agreement", select "Get Maps":

    i.  On the "My Maps" screen, select "North America".  The download will take 20-30 minutes or longer depending on your internet connection. (warning) DO NOT click on the back button on the device.  It is recommended to not use the device during this download, and monitor the download periodically:

    j.  After download of maps onto the device, confirm the "Download Complete" and press OK:

    k.  Next, navigate through a number of different settings screens and the Co-Pilot navigation displays indicating confirmation of completed installation:

  3. Swift Apps - SwiftAppsInGaugeAndroidDev30.apk 
    Nothing else is required after install.

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