Testing mp2 Barcoding Plus

Once the setup is complete, you are ready to run a few test transactions through mp2 Barcoding Plus. The following procedure will test that data is flowing from the device to mp2.

  1. Login to mp2 Barcoding Plus as an mp2 user.
  2. Tap Physical Inventory
  3. Enter a few physical inventory transactions. You do not need to use real part data since this is only a test and will not be applied to mp2.
  4. Tap Done to return to the main menu.
  5. Tap Upload to send the test data to mp2.
  6. Once the upload as completed, it will take about 2 minutes for your transactions to show up in mp2.
  7. Open mp2 on your PC and go to Activities - Barcode - Transactions.
  8. Select the Physical Inventory tab.
  9. You should see your test transaction that you entered on the device. If you do not, please contact support@bluedotsolutions.com
  10. Delete each test transaction by selecting the transaction and clicking the - button in the mp2 tool bar.

Have questions? Email support@bluedotsolutions.com