Managing Vehicles

Please follow the steps below to Add, Edit or Activate/Inactivate Vehicles.

Adding Vehicles

  1. Login to the Cyan Web Portal
  2. Click DVIR Manage Vehicles under Customer Tools.
  3. Click + Create New in the upper right.
  4. Enter a Vehicle name. (warning) We recommend using the license plate number as Vehicle name. This will reduce confusion when users are preforming inspections.
  5. Select a Vehicle type. (info) see Application Configuration Settings - Cyan DVIR to setup new vehicle types.
  6. Ensure the Is Active  checkbox is selected.
  7. Click Save

Edit Vehicle

  1. Login to the Cyan Web Portal
  2. Click DVIR Manage Vehicles under Customer Tools.
  3. Click  to edit
  4. Make your changes and click Save

Inactivate Vehicle

  1. Login to the Cyan Web Portal
  2. Click DVIR Manage Vehicles under Customer Tools.
  3. Find the Vehicle
  4. Click 
  5. Click Inactivate

Activate Vehicle

  1. Login to the Cyan Web Portal
  2. Click DVIR Manage Vehicles under Customer Tools.
  3. Click  to edit
  4. Click Is Active
  5. Click Save

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