Application Configuration Settings - Cyan DVIR

DVIR have two main configurations, Vehicle Types and Inspections. You can have different Inspections for different Vehicles Type, for example a Pickup Truck will have different inspection points than a semi-truck. If you would like more information or need help with these settings, please send an email to


In Cyan, nodes are stored in a JSON format. Vehicle Types are stored in the dvir-config node in Manage Node (enter "=dvir-config" in the type filter). 

	"nodeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "type": "dvir-config",
    "id": "dvir-config",
    "parentType": "",
    "parentId": "",
    "title": "dvir-config",
    "props": {
    	"vehicleTypes": [
    "allowAddVehicle": true
    "refs": {}

As you can see, we have two vehicle types, Standard and Flatbed. There is one other config option in dvir-config, allowAddVehicle. If set to true, the application user can add a vehicle on the device. If false, vehicles will need to be add in the DVIR Manage Vehicle page in the Cyan Portal.

Inspection Schedule

Each Inspection Schedule is stored in a node and can be found in Manage Node (enter "=InspectionSchedule" in the type filter). Each Vehicle Type in the dvir-code needs an Inspection node. The JSON below is a partial example of the Standard Inspection node. You may view the full JSON here. If JSON is not your thing, download this excel file, edit the inspections and email it to We'll take care of the rest.

Inspection Node
	"nodeId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
	"type": "InspectionSchedule",
	"id": "IS-v2-Standard",
	"parentType": "",
	"parentId": "",
	"title": "Standard Inspection Schedule",
	"props": {
		"vehicleType": "standard",
        "description": "Standard Inspection Schedule",
        "categories": [
        	"type": "InspectionCategory",
            "id": "1",
            "parentType": "InspectionSchedule",
            "parentId": "IS-2",
            "title": "Air Brake System",
            "props": {
            	"value": "1",
                "name": "1. AIR BRAKE SYSTEM",
                "imgCellId": "1-1",
                "inspectionPoints": [
                	"type": "InspectionPoint",
                    "id": "1-1",
                    "parentType": "InspectionCategory",
                    "parentId": "1",
                    "title": "Air Compressor",
                    "props": {
                    	"value": "v1-1",
                        "name": "*1.1 Air Compressor",
                        "correctiveActionRequired": true,
                        "notesRequired": true

Have questions? Email