Auto Tab/Enter

This feature will automatically move the cursor to the next field so that the user does not need to tap the screen between scans. The following is for the LXE MX7, EP10 and Workabout Pro 3.

Step-by-step guide

For EP10

  1. Click the Windows Start Menu (upper left)
  2. Select SettingsSystemImagers
  3. Tab over to Translations
  4. Edit a case
  5. Tap Add prefix/Suffix and enter "\000D" without quotes

For devices with Datawedge, such as a Workabout Pro 4, or most Motorola handhelds such as the MC67, the following will apply.

  1. Click the Windows Start Menu
  2. Select Settings - System - Datawedge
  3. Enter Basic Configuration
  4. Enter Basic Format
  5. Tap Send TAB or Send Enter. (make sure only one is selected)

For LXE MX7 devices

  1. Click Start - Settings - Data Collection
  2. Select Symbology Settings
  3. Check Add Suffix and enter ^I
  4. Select OK to save and exit

For Intermec devices

  1. Click Start – Settings – System - Intermec Settings (or Enterprise Settings) 
  2. Click Data Collection - Internal Scanner - Symbology Options - Postamble 
  3. Enter \x09 for tab
  4. If you need an Enter key, enter \x0D (case sensitive)

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