Adv Mobile SXe - Update FTP connection information

If you have moved SXe to a new server, you'll to update the Distribution Integration config on the server and enter the new ftp info. You will need to setup an ftp service on your new SXe server and point it to /rd/sx2go/.

The Distribution Integration config file is located in c:\Program Files (x86)\Blue Dot\Advanced Mobile Distribution\Integration Engine\ on your current Adv Mobile server.

  1. Open BlueDot.Sxe.IntegrationEngine.exe.config in any text editor, we like Notepad++ or VSCode.
  2. Scroll down to <BlueDot.Sxe.Integration.Properties.Settings>
  3. Update the FTPURL, UserID, Password and directory info as needed. (Note: you need the %2f at the end of the FTP url in most cases. If your having problem after the changes have been made, try removing %2f) 
  4. Then open Windows Services and restart the Distribution Integration Engine service.

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