Move Advanced Mobile Databases to a different SQL Server

  1. On the Adv Mobile web server, run iisreset /stop in command prompt
  2. Move BDSI_AM_CORE, BDSI_AM_WOM, and BDSI_AM_Inventory database to the new server using SQL detach/attach functions in SQL Management Studio (see Microsoft SQL documentation if you have question).
  3. Once the databases have been moved, update the connection strings in each web.config file. Open each file in a text editor and use find/replace, find the old server name/Instance and replace with the new. You’ll be replacing the Data Source value in the ConnectionString.
    1. AM CORE: c:\Program Files (x86)\Blue Dot\Advanced Mobile for Infor EAM Server\Instances\%InstanceName%\AMCoreWeb\web.config
    2. AM Work: c:\Program Files (x86)\Blue Dot\Advanced Mobile for Infor EAM Server\Instances\%InstanceName%\AMWorkWeb\web.config
    3. AM Inventory: c:\Program Files (x86)\Blue Dot\Advanced Mobile for Infor EAM Server\Instances\%InstanceName%\AMInventoryWeb\web.config

      <add name="AMWOMIntegration" connectionString="Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=BDSI_AM_WOM_1835;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
  4. Once the connection strings have been replaced and saved. Start IIS on the Adv Mobile web server, run iisreset /start in command prompt.

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