Creating .set Files for Cyan Pickup & Delivery

Step-by-step guide

  1. In SXe, access OE Entry Handheld Delivery Export (OEEHD).
  2. The first screen is where you provide ranges or filters on what data is export to the set file. Enter you ranges and click Next
    1. The Ranges provided are to assist in getting the appropriate orders assembled for export to Cyan POD for Infor. None of these is required but are provided as an option for creating the data exports.

    2. The Route range allows for filtering of orders based on the Route field on the Order Header.

    3. The Customer Number range allows for filtering based on a specified range of Customers.

    4. The Order Number range allows for filtering based on a specified range of Orders.

    5. The Ship Via range allows for filtering based on a specified range of Ship Via’s associated with Orders.

    6. The TWL Manifest Number range allows for filtering based on a specified range of TWL Manifest numbers.

  3. The Warehouse name entered for the Warehouse option is attached to the set file names so that multiple warehouse locations can be used in the file loading and unloading process.

  4. Delivery name is a required field. This Delivery name is appended to the system generated file name. For example, 01_MMS_30859.set where ‘01’ is the warehouse, ‘MMS’ is the Driver's username in Cyan POD, and ‘30859’ is a unique and sequential number. This name will be important to support auto-assigning in Cyan POD for Infor. (info) The delivery name must be 4 characters or less.

  5. Select Export, Import or All option allows you to export data or import data using the same menu process. If the import is selected the remaining options are irrelevant except option 14, Hold Code.

  6. Select whether to enter a List of Orders. This option allows you to transfer a specific set of order data to Windows Mobile. If you select No, the ranges selected above in conjunction with option 6 below will drive the orders to be exported. If you select Yes the ranges are ignored.

    1. Order List
  7. The Stage List option allows you to select which stages of orders you wish to export to Cyan POD for Infor. This is a coma separated list of stage to be exported.

  8. The Sort By option allows you to create the Customer list on the device in the order that the user will be delivering the orders.

  9. The Create Sets option allows you to create separate set files all during one export based on either the Route or the TWL Manifest if using TWL.

  10. The Export Line Items option allows you to export the line items associated with orders. It is used in conjunction with option 13 to control whether the handheld user can make changes to line item quantities.

  11. The Export Notes & Comments option allows you to export order notes and line comments to the device. This information is pulled from the Order Header or Line Comment Data and is presented as information to the user.

  12. The Number of Orders option allows you to export data and have a set number of orders put into any given single data set.

  13. The Export Packages option allows you to export the packages associated with orders when using TWL.

  14. The Allow Line Item Changes option allows you determine if you are going to allow the users to be able to make quantity changes to line items during the delivery process. These changes are recorded back to SX and the order is put on hold based on the Hold Code identified in option 14.

  15. The Hold Code option is used to make sure someone can review any changes to orders made in the field prior to their invoicing. This is done to provide a control point for any changes to the order.

  16. Select Next or Finish to generate the .set file.

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

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