Log files and other debug data - Cyan Engine v1.2.x

In Cyan Engine v1.2, we've change where the application stores its data. The log files are no longer stored in %sdcard%/BlueDot, instead they are stored in private application storage.

To get logs and other debug info, please do the following on the device.

  1. Start Cyan.
  2. Go to the application login screen.
  3. Select the menu button in the upper right and select About
  4. Select Go to Cyan Registration
  5. Select the hardware menu button or the menu button in the upper right (3 vertical dots), then select Storage Management
  6. Select Export Debug Data
  7. Connect your device to a PC via USB and browse to \Phone\BlueDot\debug\
  8. Copy and paste debug_dump_%datetime%.zip to your PC.

You can now email this file to support@bluedotsolutions.com or open via 7-zip (download) and view the log files.


Have questions? Email support@bluedotsolutions.com